Say it in Kazakh
The Embassy thought our guests might enjoy a few useful phrases and folk sayings in Kazakh, the state language of Kazakhstan. It is one of the group of Turkic languages which includes Azeri, Kyrghyz, Turkish, Turkmen, and Uzbek.
We update this list weekly and will welcome suggestions as to which phrases you think should be on it. (The sections below are updated randomly but regularly)
Good morning! --- Qayirly Tan [Ka-ihr-ly Tan]!
Good Afternoon (formal) --- Salamatsyz ba [Sala-maht-syz bah]
Good evening (formal) --- Qayirly Kesh [Ka-ihr-ly Kesh]!
Good night (informal)! --- Qayirli tyn!
How are you? --- Qalynyz Kalai [Ka-ly-nyz Ka-lai]?
What's new? --- Qandai zhanalyk bar? [Qan-dai zhah-nah-lyk bahr]
My name is... --- Menym atym... [Meh-nym ah-tym]
It is nice to meet you. --- Sizben tanyskanyma ote kuyanyshtymyn. [Syz-behn tah-nys-kah-nyh-ma au-teh kuh-ah-nysh-tyh-myn]
How old are you? --- Sizdin zhasynyz kanshada? [Syz-DIN ZHA-sy-nyz kan-SHA-da]
What do you do for a living?---Kim bolyp zhumys isteisiz?
Are you married or single? ---Siz yilengen siz be alde boidak syz ba?
Where are you from? --- Siz qai elden keldiniz?
I am an American. --- Men Amerikandykpyn.
I am a Canadian. --- Men Kanadalykpyn.
I am from the United States of America. --- Men Amerika Qorama Shtattarynanmyn.
I love you! --- Men seni suiemin!
Thank you! --- Rakhmet! [Rah-k-met]
Excuse me --- Keshiriniz
I don't understand --- Tusinbedim
The weather is nice today --- Bugun aua-rayi sondai zhaksy. [Buh-ghun ah-uh-wa-rye-yh son-dai zhahk-sy]
It is a beautiful day. --- Bugun aurayie tamasha.
Do you speak English? --- Syz aglshynsha soileisesiz be?
Kazakh Language --- Kazakh Tili
What would you like to do now? --- Siz kazir ne steginiz kelip tur? [Siz ka-ZYR nye stay-ghi-NIZ Ke-LEAP tour]
Welcome --- Kosh Keldinizder
Please come in and take a seat. --- Zhogary shygynyz.
Do you have a family? --- Sizdin zhanuyaniz barma?
Do you have children? --- Balalarynyz barma?
What is your wife’s name? --- Zhubaiynyzdin aty-zhene kim?
What are your children’s names? --- Balalarynyzdin attary kim?
This is the first time I tried Kazakh traditional food. --- Men birinshiret Qazak ulttyk tagamin demin tattym. [Men bih-rin-shi-ret Qa-zak ult-tyk de-min taht-tym].
To health! --- Densaulyk ushin!
To long life! --- Ozak omir ushin!
It was good --- Magan unady. [Mah-ghan ooh-na-dyh].
We feel like family. --- Biz bir zhanyuiadaimiz. [Bihz bihr zhah-nyu-ih-DI-miz]
We are together with you. --- Biz sizgermen birgemiz.
Village --- Auyl [Ah-uh-yl]
Woman --- Aiel [I-yehl]
Strong woman --- Mykty aiyel
Man --- Er adam [Yehr adam]
Family --- Zhanyya:
Father, dad --- Ake, ata
Mother, mom --- Ana, schesche
Son --- Bala (also means boy)
Daughter --- Kyz (also means girl),
Brother --- Aga
Sister --- Apke
Cousin --- Zhiyen
Grandmother --- Azhe [ah-ZHAY]
Grandfather --- Ata
Aunt --- Tate [tah-TYEH]
Uncle --- Koke
My --- menin
Your --- syzdyn
His --- onyn
Her --- onyn
Its --- sonyn
Their --- olardyn
Life --- Omir
Kazakhs were traditionally nomadic people and valued their animals.
Nomad ---Koshpeli
Horse --- At
Sheep --- Koi
Camel --- Tooyeh
Dog --- Yet
Mountain --- tau; Steppe --- dala; Desert --- shul; Forest --- orman;
Lake --- kol; River --- uzen; Sea --- teniz [tien-ghyz]
Eagle --- Byrkit
Steppe Eagle --- Dalalyk Burkit
Falcon --- Sunkar [Soon-CAR]
Are you going to take a vacation this summer? --- Siz osy zhazda demalys alasyz ba?
Where will you go? --- Qai zhakka barasiz?
I am looking for an apartment to rent. --- Men arendagha pater izdedym.
How many bedrooms does it have? --- Paterde nesche bolme bar?
Is it a good neighborhood? ---Aimaghy zhaksyma?
Where is the grocery store? --- Azyk-tylik dukeni kai zherde?
Where do I park my car? --- Qaida mashineni kaldyruga bolady?
Is there a garage? --- Bul zherde garazh barma?
Is there a good school for my children? --- Menim balalaryma ungailya mektep barma?
What time is it? --- Sagat kansha boldy? or: Sagat nishe?
What day is it? --- Bugun aptanyn kai kuni?
Monday --- Duisenbi; Tuesday --- Seisenbi; Wednesday --- Sarsenbi; Thursday --- Beisenbi; Friday --- Zhuma; Saturday --- Senbi; Sunday --- Zeksenbi
When do we leave? --- Biz kashan zhol zhuremyz?
When should we be ready? --- Biz kashan daiyn boluymyz kerek?
When do we come back? ---Biz kashan kaitamyz?
How do we travel? --- Nemen baramyz?
By bus, by airplane, or by train? --- Avtobus pen be, ushak pen be, alde otarbamen baramyz ba?
On vacation --- Demalys.
Will it rain? --- Zhanbyr zhalady ma?
Will it snow? --- Qar zhalady ma?
Do I need an umbrella? --- Magan qol shatyr kerek bolady ma?
Should I dress warmly? --- Zhyly kiinein ba?
Climate --- Aua raiy
Summer --- zhaz, fall --- kuz, winter --- kys, spring --- koktem
What is the climate in Kazakhstan? --- Kazakstannyn aua raiy qandai?
What is the best time for a trip to Astana? --- Astanaga zhyldyn kai nezgelende bargan zhakzy?
The climate in Kazakhstan varies greatly from place to place. --- Kazakstannyn aua raiy er turly.
What is this? --- Mynau ne? [Myh-nau neh?]
Where is...? - ... qaida? (The sentence structure puts interrogatives at the end)
... a hotel? --- Konak yui qaida? [Koh-nak oui qai-dah?]
... a restaurant? --- Meiramkhana qaida? [May-ram-khana qai-dah?]
… a library --- Kitapkhana
… a hospital ---Aurukhana
… a pharmacy --- Darikhana
... a movie theater --- Kinoteatr
... a museum --- Murazhai
... a grocery store --- Azyk tylik dukeni
... a post office --- Pochta bolymshesi
… a restroom --- Daretkhana
... the nearest bus stop --- Zhakyn zherdegi avtobus ayaldamasy
... the taxi stand --- Taksi toragy
... the train station --- Temir zhol vokzaly
... the airport --- Auezhai
... a barber shop --- Shashtaraz
... a dry cleaners --- Kiim tazalau
... a public swimming pool --- Kogamdyk bassein
... a parking lot --- Avto turak
How do I get to downtown? --- Kalanyn ortalygyna kalai zhete alamyn?
Is there a park there? --- Ol zherde sayazhai bar ma?
Is there a taxi stand? --- Ol zherde taxi turagy bar ma?
Open --- Ashyk
Closed --- Zhabyk
Can I have an English language menu? --- Sizde dastarkhan mazere aglshyn tilinde barma?
What would you recommend? --- Ne aludy usynasyz?
Do you have bottled water? --- Sizde kuttydagy su barma?
Can I have the bill please? --- Bizben eseptesinizshi.
Water, please. --- Magan su akelenyz. [Mah-ghan soo ah-kay-lay-NYZ].
Do you have ...? --- Syzde ... barma? [Sehz-DEH BAR-mah] (Noun goes in the middle. See below) beef --- siyr eti [seh-ir eh-ti]
lamb --- koi eti
chicken --- tauyk
vegetables --- kok-unyz
dessert --- tatti tagham
Beshbarmak --- the most traditional Kazakh dish, a boiled meat and pastry combination
Manty --- steamed meat dumplings
Plov --- a rice pilaf dish
Samsa --- a baked meat pastry
Chak-chak – a sweet pastry dessert with honey and dried fruits
I would like an ice cream. --- Balmuzdak zhegim kelip tur.
… an ice cream --- Balmuzdak
… a cold drink --- Salkyn susyn
… a light supper --- Zhenil kieshke as
Let’s have a party tonight! --- Bugun kesh yumdastraiek!
Who should we invite? --- Kimderdi shakyramyz?
Did you have a good time at the party? – Siz uaqyttynyzdy zhaksy otkizdiniz be?
The party was wonderful. --- Kesh ote tamasha otti.
We had a great time. --- Biz ote zhaksy demaldyk.
I need a…--- Magan kerek…
a shirt --- zheide; pair of pants --- shalbar; pair of shoes --- ayak kiym;
a dress --- koeilek; a hat --- kalpak; a tie --- galstuk; a belt --- taspa
Where can I buy a cell phone? --- Qai zherden uyaly telefon aluga bolady?
Where can I buy a telephone card? --- Qai zherden telefon kartasy aluga bolady?
Can I have your phone number? --- Magan telefon nomerenizde berenizshe?
Where can I find meat? --- Kaizherde yet satady?
Where are the vegetables? --- Kaizherde zhemister satady?
Where do I find milk and eggs? --- Kaizherde sut zhene zhumyrtka satady?
Bread --- nan
meat --- et [yet]
beef --- siyr eti
lamb --- koi eti
chicken --- tauyk eti
pork --- shoshka eti
apple --- alma
pear --- almurt
peach --- shabdaly
watermelon --- karbyz
melon --- kauyn
How much is this? --- Bul kansha turady?
That’s too expensive! --- Bul ote kymbat!
Thank you very much! --- Ulken rakhmet!
A picture - fotosuret
How much is this in U.S. dollars? --- Bunun bagasy kansha dollar turady?
Do you print pictures? --- Siz fotosuret zhasaisyzba?
What sizes? --- Kandai kolemdy suretter zhasaisyzdar?
I would like to open an account. --- Men zhanadan bank shoty ashkim keledi.
Would you like checking or savings? --- Syz agymdagy nemese saktauly shot ashqyniz keledi ma?
What is the exchange rate today? --- Bugunge aiyrbastau bagasy neshe?
Where is the nearest post office? --- Zhaqyn mangda pochta bar ma?
I’d like to send this letter by special delivery. --- Myna khatty zakazben zhibergim keledi.
I want to insure this letter. --- Bagaly khat zhibereiyn dep edim.
I want to send some money. --- Aqsha salaiyn dep edim.
A doctor – Daryger; medicine --- dary
I would like to see a doctor. --- Darygerge kurengym kelip yede.
I have a headache. Can you give me some aspirin? --- Basym auyryptur. Aspirin bere alasyzba?
Do I need a prescription for this medicine? --- Bul darine alu ushin retsept kerekpe?
Where can I buy current newspapers and magazines? --- Zhana gazette (zhurnaldi) qaidan satyp akuga bolady?
Please give me this newspaper. --- Magan myna gazet berinizshi.
How much is this magazine? --- Myna zhurnal qansha turady?
Do you have foreign language newspapers? --- Suzder shetel tilindegi gazetterdi alyp turasyzdar ma?
Where is the bookshop? --- Qitap dukeni kai zherde?
Do you have an English-Kazakh phrasebook? ---Sizde aglshyn-qazaksha tilashar bar ma?
Who is the best known Kazakh writer (poet) now? --- Kazyr qazak tilinde en attakty zhazushi (akyn) kim bolady?
How much is a minute? --- Bir minut qansha turady?
How much to print? ---Basylym bagasy qansha?
Can you help me? --- Magan komek korsete alasyz ba?
Where do I enroll my child? --- Balandy okuga bereuushin kai zherde terkeleum kerek?
Will the language be Kazakh, Russian or English? --- Oku kai tilde zhirguzeledi: qazak, orys nemese aglshyn?
Where can I buy school books? --- Okulyktardy kai zherde aluga bolady?
What grade will he be in? --- Kai synyk ta okuityn bolady?
Where is…? --- … qai zherde?
… a mosque --- Meshit
…a church?--- Shirkeu
…a synagogue?--- Sinagoga
…a Buddhist temple?--- Buddisterdin gibadatkhana
Where is the park? --- Sayabaq kai zherde?
Do they have benches? --- Sayabaqta oryndyktar bar ma?
Are there barbecue grills? --- Sayabaqta shashlyk zhasaityn zher bar ma?
I will bring drinks and alcohol. --- Men susyn zhane arak sharap alyp kelemin.
Will you bring food? --- Sen tagam alyp kelesin be?
Where are you going for vacation? --- Demaluga qaida barasyz?
We like… . --- Biz … onatamyz.
mountains --- taugha shykkandy
fishing --- balyk aulugandy
hunting --- an auluagandy
beaches --- suga sholylgandy
historical sites --- tarikhi zherlerge bargan
At which hotel shall we stay? --- Biz qai qonaq uiine tusemiz?
I want a hotel not far from the city center. --- Magan kala ortalygyna zhakyn qonaq ui kerek.
I want a single room (a double room). --- Magan bir oryndyk (eki oryndyk) bolme kerek.
I have a reservation. --- Magan bulme dayindalyp koilgan.
Do you need my passport? --- Sizge menin pasportym kerekpe?
Show me my room please. --- Bolmemdi korsetip zhiberinizshi.
Can someone take my bags to the room? --- Menin zattarymda bulmege aparuga komektese sizbe?
I don’t like my room, can I have another? --- Magan bul bulme unamaidy, magan baska bulme beresizbe?
I need more pillows and blankets. --- Magan zhastyk pen korpe kerek.
Is there an Internet connection in the room? --- Bulmeden internetke bailanysa alamynba?
When is check out time? --- Kai uakytta konak-uiden shigu kerek?
Do you take credit cards? --- Kredit kartamen yeseptese alamynba?
Let’s go to the movies tonight! --- Bugun kinoga barayek!
Is it an adventure movie? --- Bul kyzyk okigaly film be?
Does the movie theater have parking? --- Kinoteatrdyn mashina koyatyn dzhere bar ma?
How much for the ticket? --- Billettin kuni kansha?
Who wrote the play? --- Bul piesany kim zhazgan?
Who is the director? --- Rezhisseri kim?
Will I be able to follow the story? --- Men piesanyn mazmonin tsune alamyn ba?
That was exciting (sad). --- Bul piesa ote keremet eken (kaiygyly eken).
Where is the museum? --- Murazhai qai zherde ornalaskan?
How many museums are here? --- Bul zherde qansha murazhai bar?
When does the Kazakh exhibition open? --- Qazak kormesi qashan ashylady?
Credit Card --- Kredit karta
Cash --- Aksha
Are you paying with cash or a credit card? --- Siz akshalai toleisizbe nemese kartamen toleisizbe?
A bountiful holiday table ---Dastarkhan [Das-tar-khan]
Breakfast --- Tanghy as [Tan-GYH Ahs]
Lunch --- Tuske as [Tus-KEH Ahs]
Dinner --- Keshke as [Khesh-KEH Ahs]
Food --- Tamak [Ta-MAK]
Shall we meet for dinner? --- Keshki aska kezdessek kalai karaisyz?
At my hotel? --- Men turgan konak uydeme?
What time shall we meet? --- Kashan kezdeseyik?
What time is it? --- Sagat nesche boldy?
It is 9.30. --- Sagat togyz zharym
It is 5.15 pm --- Sagat bes on bes minut.
It is quarter to eight --- Segizde on bes minut qaldy.
Let’s eat! --- Tamak esheikh! [Ta-MAK E-SHEIKH]
Would you like tea? --- Shay ischesyz-ba? [SHY Ische-syz-BAH]
Cream? --- Kaimak?
Sugar? --- Kant?
Another cup? --- Yekenshe shyny?
blue --- kok; yellow --- sary; white --- aq; black --- qara; red ---qyzyl; green --- zhasyl
Together --- Asar
Young talent --- Zhas daryn
Princess of the world --- Alemdyk khan kyzy
Textbook --- Okulyk
North --- Soltustik; South --- Ontustik; East --- Shygys; West --- Batys
I will sacrifice cattle for my life, but I will sacrifice my life for my honor. --- Malym – zhanymnyn sadagasy, Zhanym – arymnyn sadagasy.
Without friends, the world is empty. --- Dossyz omir bos.
East or West, home is best. --- Oz uiem, ken saraidai boz uiem.
Patience is gold --- Sabyr tubi – sary altyn